Celebrating 30 Years of ADA

Everyday we're asked "what are you doing to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA30)?" We do a little mental celebration of every accessibility feature we encounter, because it means someone was thoughtful about disability inclusion and intentionally included us. But, this month is special! In 25 days, on June 26th we'll celebrate all of the progress made since 1990. We'll celebrate and talk about those who made the ADA reality. Like our own advisor, the Honorable Tony Coehlo; Senators Harkin and Kennedy who testified about family members with disabilities; Judy Heumann and all the campers from Crip Camp; and, countless others who made our lives just that much easier through their dedication hard work.

We chose 26 June 2020 to be the day we launch 360-Access.com. A web-based service collecting objective information about existing accessibility features directly from businesses; then making it freely searchable using mobile and desktop devices. This will give people with disabilities a simple way to know before we go.

You can read or listen to the press release.